The EU-ASEAN Business Council held our Financing ASEAN’s Green Recovery And The SDGs webinar yesterday. COVID-19 has undoubtedly brought along an impact on a global basis and offered governments an opportunity to rethink their economies.
The much anticipated and well received webinar, that is a part of the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2020, explored how South East Asian governments and the private sector can make the most of the opportunity to build a more sustainable future, with South East Asia giving more than USD 220 billion stimulus to date.
We had the honor of having the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Thailand, H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai start off the webinar with a keynote speech and an esteemed panel of speakers leading the discussions and providing insights on:
- the special challenges the pandemic has created for SDGS
- whether Southeast Asia’s current recovery initiatives are pointing to a green recovery
- how stimulus and relief efforts could be targeted for greater impact and more sustainable results
- new ways stimulus and relief measures could be combined to raise public and private finance to accelerate energy transition
- how greener approaches could create jobs, improve health and position ASEAN for more inclusive growth
For those who missed the insightful and comprehensive webinar, view it here
The team at EU-ASEAN Business Council expresses appreciation to H.E. Don Pramudwinai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Thailand, Dr. M. Chatib Basri, Former Minister of Finance, Republic of Indonesia, Chairman of the PT Bank Mandiri Tbk and Chairman of the PT XL-AxiataText, Donald Kanak, Chairman Eastspring Investments, Chairman EU-ASEAN Business Council, Willard McLane, Vice Chair Global Financial Institutions and Vice Chairman, Asia Technology Group, Citi, Warren Patterson, Head of Commodities Strategy, ING and Chen Chen Lee, Senior Fellow, Singapore Institute of International Affairs for making the webinar a successful one.
Upcoming, we have our EU – Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Entered Into Force – New Perspectives For Business webinar, happening on Friday, 25 September. Click here for more details.
More exciting webinars in the pipeline and coming your way, keep a lookout!