When Indonesia announced its first Covid-19 case on March 2nd, there was a rising uncertainty about the ramifications of a highly contagious virus on ASEAN’s largest economy. The country is also expected to cope with growing risk aversion, flight to quality and sudden capital reversals.
For a deeper understanding of the situation, the EU-ASEAN Business Council, together with Eurocham Indonesia, put together the webinar Indonesia’s Post-Pandemic Economic Choices to discuss how the country’s economic choices can help drive sustainable and more inclusive economic growth.
The well represented panel of speakers, from both the public and private sectors covered areas ranging from stimulus packages implemented in Indonesia to when Indonesia will return to normal growth and measures needed to ensure that the country reaches its economic potential.
For those who missed this informative webinar, view it here
The team at EU-ASEAN Business Council would like to thank Alma Karma,Director of Promotion Development,Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Mira Tayyiba,Expert Staff in Digital Transformation,Creativity and Human Resources, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Edison Bako,Executive Director,Eurocham Indonesia, Vera Galuh Ukraina,VP General Secretary – Indonesia Danone and Annisa Natalegawa, Partner and Managing Director, Asia Group Advisors for making the webinar possible.
More exciting webinars coming you way, keep a lookout for them!